State Library of NSW
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reach you in good condition, & the Bill late lot for "Santiago" was it? will I hope take no longer on the way. I saw them packed & a [indecipherable] lot of Orchids [indecipherable] saw. If there was a fault to be found, some of them looked a little too succulent. After what the Clerk told me of the [indecipherable] despatch of Orchids to you & the preparation for further consignments, I think that I had better leave the Veitchs alone, my interference may do mischief, until I hear from you what sort of payment they are now making. One word now on the subject of Orchids, I have from Green your last list. We have impressed upon him that you will hold him excused for purchasing any large masses of any beautiful Orchids whatever its genus if it be going very cheap & sometimes they
[In left margin]
Gleichenias & Platycerium Grande, Fringed Violets, Thysanotus the wise it call, & another plant or two of D. Bigibbum, & when they come to hand of Superbiens or Sumneri. The Xanthorrhoea you say will not have been sent over otherwise I wd. have asked you for a plant of it. Greedy [indecipherable] you will say.
[indecipherable] yr. afflte old friend
Geo: Macleay
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