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[Page 71]

No 12   


Dear Sister

I am in receipt of your letter written on "Sunday" at Uncle's residence & am glad to know that you are keeping up their acquaintance. Don't talk any more about "trees stencilled against the pink-glowing sky" you are a marmalade yet. Wait till you see the setting sun shining through the bright green leaves of beautiful English  bush trees. Your eyes will open; so will your mouth in admiration. Anyhow the sky would glow yellow, if at all, not pink.

I also note that Eileen has been staying with you & that you have done of her a "Study of a Female". I don't know whether you labelled it for the sake of the painting itself or the subject.

About that book you intend publishing & illustrating. You had better send me a draft for perusal & correction of the grammatical errors. I communicated the news to Dick Gates who was enquiring after you. He thought it was a great joke & wants to assist in the illustrations.

I wrote to Miss Crabbe the other day but as yet have



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