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[Page 376]

No 65

Dear Mother,

I have several of your letters to hand to answer up to 2nd March. The last one you wrote going up in the train to Eileen's. I am glad your bag got home. It is strange that it should be sent to the central office. I suppose young Jack is at school now. I am sorry in a way he will soon lose his babyhood & baby ways & by the time I get home he will be quite a man. I didn't have much of his babyhood. From that list of parcels you sent dating from 20/9/17 to 24.2.18, I have received all except  the last three & of course they are not due here yet i.e. 13 out of 16.

I am sitting out in a field up against a haystack having a sun bake it is lovely & warm  & a beautiful day - tea is ready now.

Since last writing we have had a shift & are now stationed   in a bosker little place camped in a little wood - it is a bit of a picnic here all we will do here will be to route march &

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