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morning came bringing us to a big town. Here all was excitement - people clearing out & much military movement. We were marched to a field to await lorries but after waiting all day we were again disappointed & had to hump the bluey & march ten miles to a village arriving there in the dark. Here we were told to make ourselves comfortable for the night in any billets we could find along the street so a number of us deposited ourselves in a big barn amongst the hay.

The poor French lady got the wind up lest we burn the place down & began to cry but soldiers must sleep so we slept there & she got over it by morning. Again the primus & grub bag saved us & after having a good feed set off again on the march at 2 pm.

It was here we received the "good oil" as to Fritz advance from the retreating Tommies & got an idea as to what we were marching into. Arrived at another village that afternoon & pitched camp in an orchard. The poor people here had the wind up terribly & those who had not gone were packed up in carts & all kinds of conveyances down to prams

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