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furnished including a fine piano. All the furniture remained just as if the people had walked straight out without bothering to shift any of it. The  drawing room  was fine & we were enjoying a little music on the piano when Fritz interrupted  & we were shelled down into the cellar. I suppose all this lovely furniture & ornaments will be smashed to pieces soon.

Next day we were relieved & after replenishing our stock from the big store returned to the unit which was encamped on the main road having moved from the village  where we had left it a couple of days previous "according to plan". Here I found two "cartwheels" awaiting me & you should have seen our larder. It is still pretty  substantial having withstood a week's attack. We are resting here just  doing nothing - waiting for orders & hoping none will come. We have been here for a week just having a good rest - no parades &  very few fatigues. Congratulatory messages have    

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