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at this place where we were last May. We are running a main dressing station & Jack & I are doing a bit of clerking for the time being. This is a fine place the most elaborate & comfortable we have yet been in. It has begun to get cold with a good bit of rain but a month earlier than this last year we were getting snow. If we stay here for the winter we will be set & I think we may get Blighty leave before Xmas if we  are lucky for we have been out 12 months this month.

That's about all up to date now Mother. Remember me to everyone until I have time to write & don't forget my home in Paris. I think it would be a good idea to write to Mlle Panaget & thank her for the good time she gave us she would be awfully pleased.

Something I forgot to mention was the fine table this lady kept & the French dishes were something lovely. We used to have "petit dejeurner" [dejeuner]  (little breakfast)


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