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programme. It is a delightful place & used to see  us very often. We used to put in nearly all our nights here, just sitting down for three or four hours swanking watching people & listening to the music. Now & again a cafe au lait or orangade. It was great. We heard a couple of operas also at the Nice opera house. Well thats life in Nice it is a huge rest under the most pleasing conditions you could imagine.

We did a couple of trips, the first a party of six of us got a car for the day & went to Monte Carlo. The scenery is something like our south coast. It is really beautiful but our scenery is as good. Monte Carlo is a very pretty little place. It is a town in the kingdom of Monaco which is only about 20 sq miles in all & adjoins the town of Monaco. Monaco, the town, is situated on a huge rock containing the prince's palace & his marine museum said to be the finest in the world. The prince must have been a great scientist & sailor for his collection is remarkable. He has a fine little steam


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