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our parapet he couldn't have failed to  get some of them. The mystery of the whole thing got to me. Men moved about whispering when it was necessary to talk - stood like ghostly statues when a light shot up in all kinds of positions.

So long as they didn't move an inch they were safe. They knew their game too for all stood like pillars until the light flickered out. We were lost & sat on the parapet watching while our sergeant looked for the  R.A.P.  not a shell passed overhead & machine guns were asleep everything strangely quiet - moving shapes flittered here & there silvery in the darkness. I wondered whether a war was on - it seemed ridiculous. In an hour's time the most hellish barrage that had ever descended upon man was to bite the atmosphere. It seemed too  eerie. I got the  "wind up" & hopped into the trench. At length we found the R.A.P., two German tunnels into the parapet

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