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In front of the next dugout was a shellhole cont'g the bodies of ten Germans. Time had not allowed to cover them & they lay just as they fell. This was the worst spot in the locality - elsewhere the bodies - none the less in number - had been covered except for legs & arms which protruded from the mud. One would often kick a skull from its resting place in the mud.

I hardly like to relate these things but it is to be a record for myself - although I don't think I could forget it.

Relieved at 2 pm for a few hours rest previous to stunt. Next back to our billets in the town. Passing the artillery saw Lt Ron Frazer & Jack Shiels from the Bank - their battery was in action. Had a look round the town & at 10.30 pm had supper & then a sleep.

At 2 am we were awakened & made our way back to the line to our different position


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