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The article about the five Aust. divisions was very interesting & I passed it round for notation.

So you all like my Jeannie - well let me congratulate you on your taste. It's nothing to how much I like her though - of course that's between you & me but I suppose it never was a secret. I might say Jack also has a weak spot for her - he must believe all I tell him about her. I am longing to get home you know.

Are Elsa's "blokes" intentions at all serious. By the way thank Billo for me for "Doreen". I think it is real fine. I don't suppose Norman will like me writing to her let alone sending a Xmas present. I am very anxious about those presents I sent from Paris as they were worth a bit. They just missed those mails at the end of October last which were sunk. I intended spending about  £5  on presents in Paris but I spent just twice that.

Yes it is pretty hot about the 300 Aussies bringing home their Scotch wives. Don't worry about me. My little Scotchie is already there. Myra must be some class in the art line now. She seems to have a great tast for nudity. I think I had better send her home the Parisian paper "La vie Parisienne" for some ideas.

We are still comfortably situated out of the line & expect to be so for


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