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things would  always be whistling over our heads into the town. Once or twice they dropped short & splashed into the other end of our pool.

The Church is very much knocked about but an Aussie flag placed on the top of one of the towers when we arrived in this part of the country by some intrepid Digger still flutters all tattered & torn.

Leaving the town by the same route as on that historical night of 29/3/18 we made our way to "Hayes Post". Hayes Post was the advanced dressing station for all this country & well known to most diggers. Brigade HQ & a YMCA were there - a well sheltered spot in a chalk quarry where the cars ran up to & to where we carried the wounded from many parts of the line. We were rather disappointed to find that it is fast losing its old familiar appearance. The hill is slipping away & the big underground dressing station is wet & damp & eerie

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