Cocks letter diary, 1916-1919 / Verner Cocks - Page 108

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[Page 108]

No 22                                

Camp No.3 Salisbury


Dear Mother & Dad,

Have just received your letters Nos 8 & 9 after a long wait, together with some from Jean one from Eileen Turner & one from Lindfield. I had already received two Nos 7 & an 8. Also received a Sydney Mail  & Herald & am waiting anxiously for the next parcel. Don't worry about sending anything except eatables - we can always get everything else in this country but something decent to eat especially cakes & puddings - they are very acceptable - "Nancys" we all call them as opposed to "Billies". The cutting from the paper about some troops' experiences at Durban did not refer to us they seemed to have had a decent time whoever they were but it was nothing to ours. We were the first boat to call there & also on the great conduct of the troops got the best time but subsequent boats "cruelled the show" there by playing up - so we hear from Durban people - & now none are allowed to land, or get route marches at the most.

Received a note from Billy to say that he has got a job at Aust. H.Q. in London so will have a


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