Cocks letter diary, 1916-1919 / Verner Cocks - Page 84

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[Page 84]

with fruit & sheds about 800 bunches per season. We saw everything here & took the electric tram  back to London & caught a taxi which landed us at the bottom of the fine terrace leading up to St Paul's. We swanked up the steps & arrived in tme for the evening  service after which we again fed &  finished up by a wander round the streets watching the search lights.

We caught the 10 o'clock train & arrived at Amesbury at 1.30 am & in camp at 3 am after a long walk in the drizzling rain.

Some of the real fine chaps in the hut had made our beds for us so we just plopped down & slept till the unwelcome 6 o'clock bugle.

Today we were inoculated a second time for typhoid & have as usual 48 hours off duty. Last time I spent the whole of the time in bed but was not very bad. Todays dose promises to be as bad so I anticipate a good rest.

Last Friday we went for another 20 mile route march with packs up which knocked out a few just after inoculation.

We are going to Bournemouth next week end - one of England's south coast watering places if we can manage it.

Am posting home one of todays papers by this


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