Cocks letter diary, 1916-1919 / Verner Cocks - Page 326

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having a big recreation room with bosker stoves. I believe we are set too for  a couple of months. Blighty leave is about to start in earnest & in about two or four months all will have had it.

The boys had their military medals presentation today by "Birdy" [probably General Birdwood]. He told them inter alia that the Aussie mail was not far away & not to forget to write home. No Xmas mail or parcels have reached us yet.

Our Paris friends sent up some souvenirs per Roy coming back from leave also a pot of jam each. Jam was our "long suite" for breakfast in Paris.

I sent home our photos by last mail - a few days ago - hope they arrive safely - will be sending more anon.

I still have the good job of O.C. recreation room & require a special waggon to carry the sporting material, me & my kit. I ride nowadays instead of marching under a heavy pack.

That is all up to date mother - am anxiously awaiting letters. Remember me to all &

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