Cocks letter diary, 1916-1919 / Verner Cocks - Page 265

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[Page 265]

a social affair for they all get dressed in their best.

Jack & I put in applications a couple of months ago for the O.T.C. but have not heard anything yet. I believe we will get a chance in time. I put in another application for Flying Officer in the A.F.C. [Australian Flying Corps] a few days ago but don't expect to hear anything more about it. Would you advise me to keep trying for the latter Corps? The Col.  had a talk with me about it - told me what I was taking on - it ws my own responsibility & he had no option in the matter but to pass on the application. He wishes me to tell you this.

I have received another  £25  from Mr Reeves for our Paris trip - in about a month's time.  £5  of this is for Jack & he will instruct his father to pay you if

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