Cocks letter diary, 1916-1919 / Verner Cocks - Page 213

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something beautiful. The last few days I have been doing a lot of sunbaking, writing letters. It is just the weather for aeroplanes.The air is full of them & they provide great excitement when there are air fights on. There are generally about  half a  dozen in the morning while it is clear. I have seen two or three of Fritz's shot down in the last few days with two of them bursting into flames. Two came over the other morning & one of ours attacked them. We could see the fight quite plainly. Our chaps dived at a Fritz  & emptied his machine gun into him. The Fritz did a perpendicular dive for about 1000 feet & then tried to volplane home but landed in no man's land in flames. This morning Fritz was lively making us bolt for the dugout several times. He lobbed a shell near bye which made the biggest hole I have seen & covered our house with mud bringing down three trees & wounding a sparrow. A number of chaps carting a "duff" along heard it coming & dropped the duff & hopped into a ditch quite close to where it burst but were untouched. They hopped out again picked up the duff & carried on.  A couple of minutes later a chap came along with a tin full of rubbish & calmly emptied the contents into the hole. A miss is as good as a mile always.

I met Ross Jones the other day - he is running a couple of YMCA's round about here. I lost my hair again the other day - the first of a lot of dispensations we will be getting round in singlets & shorts soon.


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