Cocks letter diary, 1916-1919 / Verner Cocks - Page 465

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practically keep them in food so it works out about equal.

There was great wailing & knashing of teeth when we left the other village. Any amount of tears shed. The children got a half holiday from the school to see the ambulance move out. I stayed on there for a day to do a bit of interpreting for the Quarter Master fixing up any claims for damage. When we went into the billets to ask the people whether they were satisfied with the condition of the billets, some cried - others exclaimed "Les Australians tres tres bons". One poor old dame shed tears & could hardly sign the certificate. We all wrote a letter to the old people we were with. Tonight they will think the world of it. I would like you to write a little letter to them. They are only ordinary peasant people - farmers but they were very kind to us, nothing was a trouble & they would think it

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