Cocks letter diary, 1916-1919 / Verner Cocks - Page 190

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[Page 190]

We were sheltering in an old ruined cottage & could see all. It seems funny to say we could see our shells traveling through the air but it is quite true. It was the sparks on the bud of the shell we could see of course not the shell itself but you would hear a bang & then see a streak of light across the sky though the explosions became a continuous roar & you could   see dozens of these streaks at a time.

It is wonderfully fascinating when you don't think of the damage that is being done - to men & until you see what it costs. But don't let all this worry you it is not as bad as it may appear to you. It is all a matter of course over here & comparatively quiet, in fact we have seen nothing yet. "In action" sounds terriblly romantic or awesome from your side but over here it loses all that. I am in action now - sitting down in a bosker cosy room in front of a fire in the cente of town. About two miles away others of our chaps are in action in the second line of trenches - we all get a turn now & again at the different jobs & it is only when things "brighten up" a bit that we all have to turn out on the stretcher bearing job. I have had my turn in the trenches & even more back at the billets. Post Master General for a month


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