Cocks letter diary, 1916-1919 / Verner Cocks - Page 570

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[Page 570]

But civilization steps in again and mars the wonder of the old time scene.   There are many civvies in Villers.   The old Mayor's house through which we used to love to ramble in rubbish strewn everywhere is once again inhabited.   Many a time close bursting shrapnel has chased us out of that house.   We wandered down to the ruins of the station took a photo of a huge pile of bricks and rubbish which used to represent a R.A.P. of ours once.   It was a very fine house then with a fine piano but now the drawing room is out in the road.   Looking along the line a few hundred yards we could once see into Fritz country but now the train came steaming in over no man's land and we took it to Amiens.

To-day the education officer told me that I was definitely on the education staff so will be starting soon to work.

I received the second peace parcel a couple of days ago for which many thanks.   Of course you will have stopped sending more parcels ere you receive this.

Goodbye to everyone and love toall at home

From your affte son

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