Cocks letter diary, 1916-1919 / Verner Cocks - Page 502

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marching in. Opposite the figure of Victory is the mausaleum [mausoleum] to the dead with the veiled figure of a woman kneeling on the steps. The sterescopeic   effect is marvellous. England is represented by figures of the King, Prince of Wales, Lloyd George, Haig, French - about 50 in all of the great men & the other countries are represented similarly.

With the aid of a little french & a few francs too I was able to gain admission to the inside the Hotel de Ville - this has been closed to everyone since the war. The tapestries & the Salon des Fetes are the main features here and are magnificent. Also went to a grand Opera & paraded the Grand marble stairase & the Foyer. The Foyer is where the ladies parade at intervals to show their dresses. With great chandeliers lit & the architectural beauty of the place it is wonderful. Also visited the palace of the old kings at Versailles - this is perhaps the most gorgeous palace in the world and I don't doubt it. All these things are indescribable & must be seen. The more I see of

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