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[Page 69]

Wednesday 14 February 1917
Up at 8. Taxi with Winkley to Paddington & caught the 9 train to Reading. Called at Dr. Fosters where Wainwright is staying but he was out at an exam. Taxi to the University and found him. Wandered round to see Langley & Hill & had a drink at their billet. Met Pearson in his car & I went off to lunch with him at the "Ship". After lunch he drove me to Fosters where I met Winkley again. After talking there for a bit we went off & had some tea & then caught the 4.57 to London.
Taxi to the Thackeray & had a wash. To dinner at Prince's with Foster, Winkley & Wakefield & then to "Choo Chin Chow" – a very gorgeous show but no play. Supper at the Trocadero & taxi to the pub to bed. Brendan went back to Swanage today.
Letter from Rowe (Roger's Batman).

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