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Tuesday 6 February 1917
Up at 8.15. Fine but misty. Went by tender to St. Omer. Lunch at Cafe Vincent & then to aerodrome. Flew new machine back to the squadron. Waldron rang up to say I go to England on the 11th. Night bombing. Siseley bombed Provin aerodrome. Garland hit some houses in Palemphin [possibly Phalempin]. Snow hit Provin station. I went up at 11.15. Wonderfully clear moonlight night. Went as far as Annoelin [possibly Annoeullin] & then flew over Provin Aerodrome & dropped two 112 lb bombs from 1500 feet. They burst on the aerodrome between the sheds & some houses. Landed at 12.30. A splendid trip. What a joy to sit over the places I've been to in daylight through tons of "archie"! Had some supper & waited till Ward landed. He had a shot at a train & some billets in Berclau. "Some" night bombing stunts! To bed about 2.30 a.m.

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