Item 04: Geoffrey Forrest Hughes diary, 1917 - Page 29

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[Page 29]

Friday 5 January 1917
Up at 9. Fairly fine but clouds at 3000 feet. Went up at 10.10 for 40 minutes to take a Major Knight to see his battery. Landed at 10.50. Off again at 12.35 with Fawsett to register 56 Left. Spent two hours trying to register them from 1500 feet & only saw 3 rounds! Eventually they put out T & I dropped two bombs on Aubers hitting a house, & then came home at 3.35. Discovered later that they had only fired 3 rounds! Reported it to C.O. who strafed the group. Lunch at 4.30.
Played Vingt et Un after dinner & won 50 centimes! A Hun machine came over & bombed Bethune & fired his gun at the mine.
Letter from Aunty Mary.

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