Item 04: Geoffrey Forrest Hughes diary, 1917 - Page 92

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[Page 92]

Friday 9 March 1917
Up at 6.45 & to the aerodrome for early flying. Got a bit of work done. Went up myself to 3000 in a BE12A for 20 minutes. Started to snow about 9 o'clock so flying was finished. Back to the "Dell" to breakfast at 9.30. Went up to the aerodrome again at 11. Still snowing so there was no flying. Went back to the aerodrome after lunch but the weather was still bad. Went to Croydon in the car with Burt & did some shopping. Called at Waddon Station but my motor bike had'nt arrived. Back to tea at the "Dell". Stayed in till dinner. Wrote letters till 1 a.m. & then to bed.
To: Mother & Father, Eileen.
From: Maurice, Brendan.

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