Item 04: Geoffrey Forrest Hughes diary, 1917 - Page 163

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[Page 163]

Saturday 19 May 1917
Up at 9. Low clouds & some rain. Worked on RE8 a bit. Took Cogan up in RE8 to show him how to fly it but he decided to fly it himself next time! Went to Croydon after lunch & got some photos. Developed & printed with Elliott in afternoon. Tea in the garden at the "Dell" with Brock & Lady B. & Lady Mitford & the others. Back to aerodrome about 6 & worked on RE8 till 8.30. Dinner at 9. Went back to aerodrome at 10 & worked on RE8 with some mechanics till 12.15 a.m. Tom Hearn came back to us today.
From: Mother, Father, April 3rd.

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