Item 04: Geoffrey Forrest Hughes diary, 1917 - Page 363

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[Page 363]

Wednesday 5 December 1917
Up at 7.30. Worked very hard all the morning to get sufficient done to wash out flying after lunch. Did 35 minutes before breakfast myself. Got a splendid lot of work done & was just about to catch the lorry at 2 p.m., when news came that the General was coming at 3.30!!! Successfully dealt with the situation & left hurriedly by taxi at 4. Caught the 4.25 & got to Waterloo at 7.15. Taxi with Hodgson to Park Lane where the taxi broke down! Had a drink with him & caught another taxi to Porchester Terrace. Had some dinner & yarned with Aunty & the girls till 11.30 & then to bed.

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