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At 3pm, the NPWS Gazelle helicopter landed on the long wooden hetty which jutted out into the harbour from the foreshore of the station. Hawke was beside the pilot.  

As soon as he climbed out, I stepped forward and welcomed him to my electorate. He grinned, patted me on the arm, squeezed my hand, and walked briskly towards the car which would take him up the hill to the dais. I started to follow, and then realised that I had forgotten somebody. I turned to apologize, but the Premier gestured for me to keep up with the PM.

We reached the top of the hill in a convoy of LTDs, and pushed our  way through the crowd to the dais. Terry Sheahan, the minister in charge of national parks, welcomed the guests and acted as master of ceremonies. Hawke and Wran signed the handover documents, and speeches were made by Hawke, Wran and myself.  

Halfway through the Premier's speech, there was a commotion as the Mayor and the Town Clerk arrived late and found all the seats taken. They stood at the back of the crowd, distancing themselves from yet another Labor present for the people of Manly.

For the first time, local people would be able to visit this magnificent site -- with its sweeping views of the harbour, aboriginal relics, and historic buildings. The care of the site would be entrusted to

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