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There was little pretence of allegiance to a foreign monarchy.   Rather, they had great faith in Australian Democracy, founded on equality before the Law and the Brotherhood of Man.   Some saw ther role to be that of Christian Socialists.   The major influence on the branch for many years was the parish priest, James Delaney.   A large, red faced Irishman, he made his views clear with a strong voice.   Thumping the pulpit rail he would bellow:

        "And remember that on next Saturday there will be an election, in which you must vote.   Now, I''m not going to tell you people how to vote, but . . ." he glared from face to face, "you all know where my vote goes!"

        Some of the activists in the branch were also members of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society - - the roles overlapping in concern for social justice and care of the underprivileged.

        Delaney was eventually succeeded by Roger Pryke, a very different kind of priest.   Pryke had been bannished to suburbia from his post as chaplain at Sydney University where he had influenced a generation of radical Catholics.   At Harbord, he continued to be active in the peace movement;   preaching non-violence, and organising meetings and demonstrations.   He brought a strong following to the parish.   Former students and associates from all over Sydney joined the congregation


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