Series 02: Alan Gibson Stewart papers, 1987-1989 - Page 293
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the Government what the people wanted.
I protested that I had been elected by the people to represent them in the state sphere and that the Council should stick to municipal matters, but this was brushed imperiously aside.
And so a rather childish game was started. All the ministers were soon alerted to these tactics and rebuffed her efforts to bypass me. All communications from the Mayor were referred back to me.
I tried to come to a more sensible arrangement, pointing out that the process could be speeded up if Council consulted me first, but to no avail. Both the Mayor and the Town Clerk resented my intrusion into their prerogatives.
Warringah wanted a deputation to see Landa. A complex matter of re-zoning a development site required the Minister's consent, and Tom Webster and I were asked to arrange a meeting with him.
First we were invited to a briefing at the council chamber, where the planning staff explained the long history of the proposal. The site had once housed a RAAF radar station and was now required for several community uses. Red tape had caused the derelict buildings to remain idle for years. Tom and I were tutored in the technicalities of the relevant planning ordinance and given full access to the voluminous reports.