Series 02: Alan Gibson Stewart papers, 1987-1989 - Page 191
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airline type seats on the new bus were fitted with smal ashtrays in the armrests.
"Well, I just did not notice that", he admitted with a wistful smile. He did not like even small matters of detail to escape his notice, but inevitably some of them did.
We dropped off the television people and headed north with some of the officials following in the second minibus.
Cox was given a warm welcome at the Brookvale Bus Depot. We were given a cup of tea in the canteen and then take out into the rain to watch a demonstration of their new bus washing facilities.
After Brookvale we called at a Catholic school in Dee Why, where Tom Webster wanted to get a pedestrian crossing equipped with traffic lights. Cox spoke softly with the nuns, the children and the mothers. He made no promises but he would do his best to help.
Then we headed for our scheduled stop in the electorate of Pittwater, at Mona Vale shopping centre. The intention was to mingle with the shoppers while they admired our new buses. But the rain was getting heavier. When we reached Mona Vale, the drenched footpaths were deserted, the shoppers driven indoors by sheets of water.
It was time to quit. Cox, Hurley and Reiher transferred to the waiting ministerial LTD and headed back to the City. Webster and Wild went their own ways