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conservatives; a few stubbonly continued to preach the dogma of one of other of the several versions of their unpopular crred; and many redirected their talents into more pragmatic pursuits.

        Elsie Wakefield was active all her life in the peace movement, women's issues and the cause of the aborigines.   She strove for a new social order based on equality, justice, and co-operation.   After many years of loyal service to the Communist Party, she had moved into the ALP, Where she continued to promote the causes she believed in.   Like other ex-communists, her application for membership would have been treated with suspicion.   However, her standing in the local community was beyond question.   She was known by her deeds: Helping the disadvantaged, speaking for the elderly, encouraging the young.

        I had encountered her while door knocking.   Down a narrow laneway behind a house in Harbord, I had noticed a tiny cottage--so small that it looked more like a garden shed.   Could anyone live there?   The doorknock was answered by a call to come in, and I found Elsie alone inside, propped up on what was soon to be her death bed.   There was to be no apologising or backing out.   She knew who I was and wanted to give me advice: I was to stand up and show my face in public; not be overawed by the conservatives; show them that a socialist was every bit as good as a capitalist.   And, oblivious to my  

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