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"It is traditional in Australia that Governments are generally given at least two terms to put their programs into operation.

        The Wran Government in NSW seems certain to continue the tradition by winning its second term at today's general election.   The electorate has been obviously impressed with the Government's stable and moderate approach, and the Premier has already made his mark as the most popular leader in the country ....

The Wran Government has spent much energy on communicating its policies to the electorate in clear, simple terms and has been careful not to move ahead faster than the people want to go.    The stability of its economic programme has impressed business leaders   and the Government can expect a surprisingly high vote from that quarter today ...

Today it seems that the Wran team will be rewarded for two and a half years of steady, consistent Government with a healthy majority in the new Parliament.   There is every reason why it should be."

(Obviousy one of the "impressed business leaders" was the media magnate Kerry Packer, who owned The Manly Daily.   Much later I was to hear rumors that this extraordinary editorial had actually been written in

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