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artificial shelters?

Meanwhile, Neville Wran was addressing the ALP conference at the Town Hall. He was in a fighting mood.

The campaign of mudslinging by the conservatives had continued unabated, and Wran had been the principal target. At the beginning of May, the ABC had broadcast a "Four Corners" program which imputed that the Premier had tried to influence the outcome of a court hearing involving the executive director of the NSW Rugby League, Kevin Humphries.

Wran had stood down as Premier, while the Chief Justice, Sir Laurence Street, conducted a Royal Commission into the allegations. He was the first Premier ever to be put himself on trial: to expose himself to the full scrutiny of the legal system. This was the system where he risen from Balmain boy to respected QC; and where his enemies were now trying to destroy his personal reputation.

Now, with the Street Royal Commission in progress, Wran was making an emotive speech to the party faithful. He began by confessing to suffering from "stress and anguish and indignity" during the Commission, which had been an "extraodrinary and unique experience for me." But he reassured his audience that "Balmain boys don't cry."

He warned about the sinister forces of reaction:

"If these forces are unable to achieve their ends

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