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of newspaper clippings, containing reports of what members had said on some other occasions.   Hence a cycle was perpetuated.   Members used material in the House which was quoted (favourable or otherwise) from newspaper accounts of past speeches by other members. In turn, journalists in the press gallery wrote more reports with the re-cycled material.   This incestuous relationship between press and politicians was comfortable but hardly healthy.   It did not foster original ideas.

        There was a comprehensive range of reference works available.   The collection contained many valuable books and periodicals on history, politics and law.   But, alas from my point of view, there were very few up-to-date books or serious journals on the natural sciences.

        As at other times, in other places, I was to find solace from browsing in the library.   Russell Cope proved to be a friendly and interesting source of information in his own right.

        The first session of the forty-sixth Parliament was opened on November 7.   The division bells were rung for both Houses and members assembled in their respective chambers at 2.15 p.m.   Tom and I found our way to to the green-furnished chamber of the Legislative assembly.


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