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Special Branch, and half a dozen local uniformed police stood in the backfround.

   We were waiting under the roof of the wharf, beside the curb of the forecourt. This had been kept clear of vehicles by the police who had placed a hurdle across the entrance on the far side. A large traffic sergeant was standing guard there. I slipped over to him and explained that the plan was now for the Premier to alight at the hurdle and to walk across the forecourt. His car would park outside. The sergeant nodded, and I returned to the local dignitaries, who had not noticed my absence.

   Alone among the group, I knew that Wran was travelling via a back route, and not directly down Sydney Road. As we chatted, we all faced towards the usual direction, but I watched out of the corner of my eye towards the left. When I caught a glimse of a big white car coming around the harbour from Fairlight, I strolled over to the sergeant again.

   Right on time, at 10.30, the white LTD pulled up beside the hurdle. A smiling Wran sat beside the driver, with his press secretary, Brian Dale, in the rear.

   The sergeant snapped to attention and saluted, and I opened the car door for the Premier. We walked together across the empty forecourt, covered by the lenses of the TV cameras. The dignitaries were still standing where I had left them.

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