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become adept at playing her own game. Now she was offering to deliver the "trendy" vote to the Liberals, in return for becoming the titular head of what she had once described as "Toy Town".

Tom Webster and I had convened the "Manly-Warringah Job Creation Committee" to try to come to grips with unemployment on the Peninsular. Funding was available from the Commonwealth Government through the Wage Pause Scheme. We needed to come up with some worthwhile labour-intensive projects for a submission. The committee included local representatives of the Department of Technical and Further Education and the Commonwealth Employment Service. They advised us that one group in great need was the out-of-work apprentices in the building trade. Perhaps we could devise a project which would help them complete their training. The problem was to find suitable buildings for them to work on -- the guidelines would not allow competition with commercial contractors. Warringah Council owned a few houses which might be renovated, but they would not provide enough work for a worthwhile project. Manly Council had nothing to offer.

After prolonged discussion, a suitable site occurred to me. I knew of a large number of buildings that urgently needed refurbishment -- at the North Head Quarantine Station.

The site had been used as a Quarantine Station

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