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was being given to putting the tower on the Pitt Street side of the site, and saving at least some of the buildings that faced Macquarie Place.

Parliament resumed in the last week in February. My schedule was hectic. I had been asked to move a motion supporting the Government's transport policy, and a speech had to be prepared. Particular emphasis could be given to the new ferry construction program. In addition there was an almost endless round of committees to attend and people to dine with. The Customs House hotel petition now had more than 2000 signatures and I planned to present it as soon as I had time to collect the last few sheets from the pub.

The transport speech was delivered. I had an interview with Don Johnson, The Director of the National Parks and Wildlife Service, who indicated that at long last the Quarantine Station was about to change hands -- We discussed a suitable date for The Prime Minister to hand it over to the Premier. At a dinner in the House, I sat opposite Bill Hayden, now the Foreign Minister, and found that I agreed with many of his ideas about the importance of politicians thinking for themselves.

When Parliament adjourned for the weekend on Thursday 1 March, the petition was still lying on my desk. I had signed in the op left corner of every page myself, as required by standing orders, but I had not

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