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things out.

        We were chatting about the politics of the election when an attendant reminded "Mr Speaker" that he had an obligation to one of the kitchen staff. Kelly invited me to follow, and we set off throught narrow passageways and down steep flights of stairs to the ancient parliamentarty kitchens.   We crowded into a hot scullery and Kelly made a short farewell speech to one of the cooks who was retiring.   It was obvious that the speaker knew most of the workers by name.   In return they gave him an easy respect.

        We returned to the lobby and I was handed over to the Executive Officer of the Assembly, a dapper bureaucrat named Clive Joachem.   He proved to be a mine of information in respect of the needs of members of parliament.   In a brisk manner he outlined the administrative procedures which were required when an electorate changed hands.   He produced a booklet titled :   "A SUMMARY OF MEMBERS ENTITLEMENTS".   From this I learned that my annual salary was $22,010 plus an electorate allowance of $7070.

        Joachem advised me to select an electorate secretary carefully, and then to let him have the name and particulars so that a formal appointment could be made by the speaker.   One of the particulars that was required was marital status.   In a confidential manner, Joachem suggested that I should find a mature married  

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