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The minister then explained the various parts of the bill.   He was followed by George Freudenstein, a Country Party shadow minister, who opposed the bill on the grounds that it was not needed.   After criticising various parts,   He concluded:

           "The bill will drive industry away from New South Wales and create greater unemployment...and at the same time provide solicitors with more revenue, which will come out of the pockets of the poor individuals who have to pay solicitors' fees."

         At 5.13 pm it was my turn.   I stood up and Mr Speaker caled, "the member for Manly", in a friendly tone.   I walked a few steps to the short polished wood lecturn, which rested on   the green baize of the table, beside the minister's chair.   I put my notes down carefully, took a deep breath, and started to speak:

         "Mr Speaker, it is a great pleasure and honour for me to rise in this house for the first time as the representitive of the people of Manly..."

           The opposition benches in front of me were almost empty, although I was concious of a dozen ALP members behind me.   Up in the visitors gallery, Donna was sitting alone.

         The impression was of speaking into a void, with the sound    disappearing into the ceiling far above me;  

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