Series 02: Alan Gibson Stewart papers, 1987-1989 - Page 305
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she briefly thanked him for the funding and asked him to officialy turn on the new lights.
Wran stepped forward to the microphone. He thanked both the Mayor and the Local Member for the welcome, mentioning both our names in friendly tones. Then he went on to explain his interest in encouraging regional art centres. Worthwhile art could thus be available to more people and local talent encouraged. Access to art and other aspects of culture was a right not a privilege. His government's funding of Manly Art Gallery would continue and he was looking forward to seeing more progress on his next visit. He turned to the wall and flickered and sprang to life.
There was polite applause and then at last it was my turn at the microphone.
I spoke about the funding, thanking the Premier for his contribution towards improving the display of art in Manly. Light was of course vital to art:
"The first European artists to visit Australia remarked on the special quality of the light in our landscape. Therefore it is appropriate that Manly now has suitable artificial lighting to view works which were executed in our special natural light...."
I waffled off the cuff, wishing that I had done some homework for my speech. Maybe I could give this