obtained in Wakehurst. The statistical analysis seemed valid, despite my search for any error which could explain such a prediction. No fault could be found with the figures. Nevertheless, I felt something in the survey must be wrong. We were determined to put up a good fight but we had little real hope of winning. Still, we could pretend.
Someone had given the survey results to the press. The Manly Daily carried the headline :
Then followed an interview with my liberal opponent, George Ashley, who was quoted as saying:
"I would be most surprised if there were any swing at all. The issues in Manly are not yet clearly defined, but I can't see any reason to suggest that Manly will not return a Liberal candidate."
My opinion was not sought!
Our plans for the Landa visit were well advanced. Both Manly and Warringah councils had agreed to co-operate in welcoming the minister and showing him various sites which were of mutual concern. Beach erosion was a topical issue and Landa was about to create the Coastal Council, a body that would be charged with the task of protecting the State's coast from ravages of the sea and greedy developers. The