We were tired but encouraged by the positive reactions. Even the few people who admitted to being Liberal voters were polite, if not friendly. Suspicious dogs were the main problem. From then on, we spent almost every afternoon doorknocking, slowly working across the electorate towards the distant "Tiger Country" at Balgowlah, where the Liberal vote had always been strongest.
Some people were rude or indifferent, but only one man ordered me off his premises, shouting abuse about "Labor scum". That was in an otherwise supportive street; and I went meekly, without wasting time on an argument.
When we reached Balgowlah several weeks later the enthusiasm for Wran seemed to diminish but there was still an air of respect. Many of these people saw "Nifty" as a smart operator and a winner.
My aim was to persuade them that, if Wran was certain to be Premier, then they should elect one of his team in Manly.
The result of the Chaples survery were starting to come off the computer and I obtained a copy of the printout, a thick heap of folded paper. It contained a mass of information but one figure stood like a flashing sign -- a nine percent swing to Labor in Manly. Only seven per cent was required to wrest the seat from the Liberals. A similar result had been