Seven: The war of words.
My political commitment had been formed during the turbulent days of the moratorium marches, protesting in the streets against the Vietnam war. I had been one of the many thousands who had joined together in the peace movement, a nebulus coalition of disparate groups who shared a common concern. Then the Whitlam Government, within a short time of gaining office, had brought our troops home, and my interest turned to other aspects of politics. But privately I still supported the peace movement's continuing campaign against nuclear armageddon.
It was therefore with some trepidation that I considered by first invitation to attend an RSL branch annual general meeting Of course, as a state MP I was not involved in defence matters. These were the preserve of the Federal Government. Nevertheless, I was bound to encounter a few questions about the ALP's atitude to such issues as the American alliance, Vietnamese refugees, and perhaps even Russian spies.
The invitation had come from the Harbord RSL, and I noticed that the office bearers were some of the directors of the Harbord Diggers Club, which had given me such great support during the Campaign. I did not want to offend them. They had pressed the invitiation, and I had to go.
The meeting was on Thursday, starting at five pm.