Series 02: Alan Gibson Stewart papers, 1987-1989 - Page 69

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majority was reduced.   Our candidate, Marc Gumbert, was a young barrister from the left of the party, who had been very active on the Save the Ferries Committee. He fought a vigorous campaign.   On election night we crowded into the Gumbert home for a victory celebration.   The wine flowed for toasting the future.   The tide seemed to have turned in our favor.

        We had some local success in 1977.   A new branch member, Rod Power was elected as one of three councillors representing our riding in Warringah shire.   This was unexpected.   Power was only the third choice to carry the Labor nomination, after one longstanding member had dropped out to run as an independant, and another had been discouraged by his employer.

        Our new councillor was not a typical local politician.   He had an unkempt beard and ragged clothes.   A schoolteacher, he had a degree in Economics and was a Vietnam veteran.

      Rod Power had worked hard to get elected.   During the School holidays he had knocked on hundreds of doors and established personal contact with many people in their homes.   He impressed them with his simple, low-key approach. At least he had taken the trouble to come and listen to their problems.

        The non-Labour Councillors did not need to work so hard at the grass roots level.   They had the support of the conservative establishment and the Liberal

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