Series 02: Alan Gibson Stewart papers, 1987-1989 - Page 317

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lease, even though the rent exceeded the maximum allowed for reimbursement   by the Government.   I would have to make up the difference out of my personal allowance.   It seemed a good investment.

        We moved on a Friday morning.   A removalist van carried the office furniture from the old site to the new.   Alf Thorpe helped us sort it out and to lay seagrass matting.

        Soon, a large illuminated sign outside would proclaim "Alan Stewart MP, Member for Manly".

        There was also a list of the times during wich the office would be open.

        "Monday to Friday, 9.00am-5.00pm    Saturday, 8.30-10.00am"

        At the top of the stairs constitutents were greeted by Donna, who either sorted the matter out herself, or ushered them in to see me.   We were prepared to deal with all comers.

        We worked out a routine which fitted the parliamentary programme.   Monday would be a regular day for my interviews in the electorate office.   On Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday I would be in Parliament, wtih Donna holding the fort back in Manly.   We consulted each other frequently on the phone and sometimes Donna sent people in to see me in the House.   On Friday, I would try to avoid interviews so that I could catch up on correspondence and perhaps get out to look at various things in the electorate.   On Saturday I would conduct  


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