Bob was straightforrward in manner, and had worked hard on the campaign. His advice had been sound. I would continue to seek his help.
I sought out various local party members and asked for a description of the factions. Those who belonged to the Right condemned certain people in the Left in derogatory terms: They were disloyal to the party: only interested in their own careers: trendies, who did not care about the workers. Similarly, the Left damned personalities on the right: They were dishonest; deceitful; power hungry and stupid.
But what differences were there in policies?...Apparently the extremists of the Left were impractical, with heads in the clouds; the hacks on the Right were utterly without principle, interested only in expediency.
But what was the basic difference in philosophy?...At last I was told of the fundamental, tribal schism: The Right was controlled by Catholics, and the Left by Marxists--or so each side claimed of the other.
All this abuse did nothing to clarify the situation in my mind. Neither side had tried to recruit me. Indeed, each seemed suspicious of my involvement with the other.
Wran and Landa were known to be independent of the factions but both had declined to tell me their choice