Kelly said that there were some other things that should be arranged: Could I come in to see him the next day?
And so, on the Tuesday after the election, I walked up the worn sandstone steps of Parliament House for the first time, wondering what lay inside.
Like many citizens, I had often walked up Macquarie Street without taking much notice of the rather shabby Sydney Hospital. The other side of Macquarie Steet was familiar. That was the traditional location for the consulting rooms of medical specialists.
I had been take to a psychiatrist there when I was ten. My Mother had been alarmed by my refusal to attend school, which I claimed was interfering with my studies of tadpoles, lizards and moths. A phobia of some kind was diagnosed, a certificate exempting me from fifth and sixth class was written, and I was free to concentrate on observing interesting and important animals for two years without fear of the truant officer. Now, thirty years later, my studies had again been interrupted, by an obligation to attend an institution which reminded me of school.
I crossed the wide verandah and pushed open the heavy wood and frosted glass door marked "Legislative Assembly". Beyond was a narrow hallway, lined with