Series 02: Alan Gibson Stewart papers, 1987-1989 - Page 199

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doors, and thrust into hands.   Most of it soon finished up in a rubbish bin.   How much was read we had no way of knowing.    But it was considered essential ammunition in the political war, and we fired off volley after volley in reply to those from the Libs.

        The dawn of Saturday the seventh of October was ominous.   A grey sky threatened rain   and cast a sombre light on the deserted streets of Harbord.   At 5.45, I walked a hundred yards from my mother-in-law's house, around the corner and across Oliver Street to the Literary Institute: and found that the Liberals had already started to put up their posters.   On election days the local Libs had a truck with a special team which called at all the polling booths in the early hours, dropping off booth "decorations."   These would include posters, tables and chairs, and even giant umbrellas in the blue and white Liberal colours: erected in the best spot on the footpath, close to the entrance to the booth.   Two Liberal workers would then arrive and stand guard until the booth opened at eight o'clock.

        We had never been able to match the Liberal resources or efficiency.   Traditionally, the ALP organised its election day workers on a booth by booth basis.   Each    local "Captain" was responsible for setting up our equipment and supervising a roster of volunteers to work on the booth throughout the day.   

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