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a long time member of the local ALP, and (as I learned later) a genuine socialist.
My family gathered about me. The Premier and Jill had gone and it was now time for us to go too. We walked out into the street and looked up at the sky. It was a clear, warm, friendly sight.
The day after the Wran dinner we had a visit from Peter Cox, the Minister for Transport. The clear sky had disappeared overnight and showers were forecast. Feeling like old hands now, we had worked out an itinerary with Cox's co-operative staff. David Hurley, his youthful press secretary, suggested a tour of the Manly-Warringah peninsula by minibus, visiting the electorates of Manly, Wakehurst and Pittwater. We could take the press along with us. The tour would start in mid- morning at Manly Wharf, where Peter Cox would arrive by hydrofoil from the city.
The press were waiting at the wharf when I got there. Not just the Manly Daily: Three television crews had parked their station wagons untidily around the semi-circular forecourt. Hurley had already briefed them about the visit. They had their story but they needed the visuals: The Minister disembarking from the hydrofoil: the Minister on the wharf with the harbour behind him, talking to a reporter for a few seconds: the Minister boarding the minibus. These events were planned while we waited.
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