Series 02: Alan Gibson Stewart papers, 1987-1989 - Page 155

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growing list of contacts.   At about eight-thirty I would drive down to Manly to deal with the press

        When the election date was announced, the candidates scrambled to book advertising space.   Covering four electorates (Pittwater, Davidson, Wakehurst and Manly), each with several candidates, The Powerful  Manly  Daily  was the only significant local vehicle for a multitude of campaign messages.   As usual, the Liberals had the most money and could book the most space.   The four ALP candidates had agreed to share the cost of several joint advertisements.

        In Manly, we had determined to budget for a few ads of our own during the last days of the campaign.   These wold be financed from my own pocket - I had undertaken to provide $1000 from my bank overdraft.   Hopefully, this would be reimbursed from local fundraising as the campaign progressed.   No funds from ALP Head Office would be available to us.   As time started to run out, we had to provide copy for the booked spaces.   The  Daily  imposed strict deadlines - final copy had to be be in by noon two days before publication.

        My first contact with the  Daily  was with their "Display Advertising" department.   Here I was left in no doubt that the Liberals were considered to be the best customers.   They were the biggest spenders and had booked the best spots.   They had regular accounts. The  


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